Best Hanzo build 2024: Items, Emblems & Strategy [Mobile Legends]

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Hanzo Build in Mobile Legends. I will assist you in playing this Hanzo champion more effectively in Rank and Classic.

Best Hanzo build guides for Mobile Legends 2024. I works hard to keep my’s Mobile Legends builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Hanzo build for the meta. Learn more about Hanzo’s abilities, Items, Emblems & Strategy.

Role: Assassin – Gold: 32000$ | 599 Diamond

Specialty: Burst/Poke

Lane: Jungle

Hero Tier: B

Movement SPD: 260 Physical Attack: 108
Magic Power: 0 Physical Defense: 17
Magical Defense: 10 HP: 2594
Mana: 380 Attack Speed: 0.87
Hp Regen: 7 Mana Regen: 3.2

Hanzo Spells Build

Spells are something that you can utilize in-game to give Hanzo an extra skill.

Hanzo Items Build

You need get the strongest items for Hanzo. This is how to make your heroes stronger and easier to win.



Attack Speed Effects

Pro Build (Recommend)

Effects items build:

Hanzo Emblems Build

Emblems are enhancements for Hanzo that provide effects as well as bonus attributes.

Hanzo Assassin emblems set:

Hanzo Assassin emblems set

Hanzo Skill Order

Skill Order: Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 2.

Effects from skills’s Hanzo:

Passive (Ame no Habakiri): Buff.

Skill 1 – Default (Ninjutsu: Demon Feast): Damage | Type: True DMG Skill.

Skill 1 – Demon Pneuma (Ninjutsu: Demon Thorn): Burst | Type: Physical Skill.

Skill 2 – Default (Ninjutsu: Soul Reap): Damage, Buff | Type: Physical Skill.

Skill 2 – Demon Pneuma (Ninjutsu: Devastator): Blink, AoE | Type: Physical Skill.

Skill 3 (Kinjutsu: Pinnacle Ninja): Morph, Blink | Type: Physical Skill.

Hanzo Combo

These are the basic combos for Hanzo, I hope you’ll do well with it.

Combo 1: Skill 3 -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1

Kinjutsu: Pinnacle NinjaKinjutsu: Pinnacle Ninja -> Ninjutsu: DevastatorNinjutsu: Devastator -> Ninjutsu: DevastatorNinjutsu: Devastator -> Ninjutsu: Demon ThornNinjutsu: Demon Thorn.

Hanzo Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
+ High mobility.
+ Big range of skills.
+ Great critical damage on all basic attacks.
– Less durable
– Weak against burst damage.
– Weak against CC.

Hanzo’s Rival & Teammates

Hanzo is strong against: Karrie, Gord, Pharsa, Hanabi, Layla.

Hanzo is weak against: Helcurt, Leomord, Selena, Karina, Aldous.

Hanzo must team up with: Bruno + Lolita + Yin + Baxia.

Hanzo Play Strategy

Hanzo is an Assassin has great critical damage and high mobility. You can use Hanzo for Jungle.


Spells are suitable for Hanzo:

Retribution -> Ice Retribution

Using spell Retribution for Hanzo jungle.

Items are suitable for Hanzo:

Attack Items:

Blade _of_the_HeptaseasHunter StrikeEndless BattleBlade_of_DespairWindtalkerDemon Hunter SwordCorrosion_ScytheGolden_StaffMalefic Roar

Defense Items:


Movement Items:

Swift_BootsIce Hunter's Magic Shoes

If you like Hanzo jungle you can use combo items: Blade of the Heptaseas, Ice Hunter’s Swift Boots, Hunter Strike, Endless Battle, Blade of Despair, Immortality.

If you like Hanzo burst you can use combo items: Blade of the Heptaseas, Swift Boots, Hunter Strike, Endless Battle, Blade of Despair, Windtalker.

If you like Hanzo attack speed effects you can use combo items: Demon Hunter Sword, Swift Boots, Corrosion Scythe, Golden Staff, Blade of Despair, Hunter Strike.

If you like Hanzo pro build you can use combo items: Ice Hunter’s Magic Shoes, Corrosion Scythe, Demon Hunter Sword, Golden Staff, Malefic Roar, Blade of the Heptaseas.

Emblems are suitable for Hanzo:

Assassin emblems set:

  • Adaptive Penetration: +16.
  • Adaptive Attack: + 10.
  • Movement Speed: +3%.

Best lane for Hanzo:

Lane Prioritize
Exp Lane
Jungle X
Mid Lane
Gold Lane

Win/Ban/Pick Rate for Hanzo:

  • Win Rate: 57.21%.
  • Pick Rate: 1.11%.
  • Ban Rate: 3.44%.

Hanzo best for rank:

How to play Hanzo:

In order to unleash his ultimate and have access to far safer and more dependable ganks for his allies, Hanzo must gather jungle creeps early in the game. He can farm swiftly and securely because to his Demon Feast ability.

Hanzo excels as an assassin at locating weak and flimsy prey and swiftly dispatching them. In team battles, he should aim to flank the opponent back line with his ultimate, killing the marksman and/or mage, freeing his team to advance with little resistance from the opposition as a result of the targets he’s taken out.

Hanzo does not perform well in team fights due to his low durability and assassin nature, so he can divide push objectives on the flanks of the map when opponents are not engaged in combat. Once he sees opponents approaching to stop him, he can safely return to his body to make his getaway. Hanzo may draw opponent attention by pressing multiple sections of the battlefield with his team’s pressure and make it simpler for his teammates to engage in battle as the foes disperse to try to stop him and catch him.


Early game (level 1-7): Hanzo to focus on farming and leveling up while avoiding confrontations with enemy heroes. He can use skill 1 (Ninjutsu: Demon Thorn) to clear minion waves and deal some damage to enemies.

Mid game (level 8-12): Hanzo should focus on ganking and picking off isolated enemy heroes.

Late game (level 13+): Hanzo should stick with his team and focus on taking down high-priority targets such as enemy carries and mages while avoiding getting caught in the enemy’s crowd control abilities.

Hanzo Skills


Demon Pneuma

Passive – Ame no habakiri

Hanzo will absorb the souls of enemies that die near Hanzo and convert them into demon blood.

Skill 1 – Ninjutsu: demon feast/Ninjutsu: Demon Thorn


Hanzo will activate this skill after 5 basic attacks. Hanzo will swallow enemies and digest them for a period of time.

Demon Pneuma:

Hanzo burrows into the ground, dealing damage and knocking enemies into the air.

Skill 2 – Ninjutsu: soul reap/Ninjutsu: Devastator


Hanzo summons spikes at the target location that deal physical damage to enemies.

Demon Pneuma:

Hanzo flies to the target location, dealing damage to enemies in the area.

Skill 3 – Kinjutsu: pinnacle ninja

Hanzo summons a demon to attack enemies, dealing physical damage and stunning them.

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